Tue May 16,2017 20:00 pm

Sumo Girls 82 Techniques

Hokkoku Shimbun

Japanese girls in sailor-style school uniform perform sumo techniques!

Hokkoku Shimbun, Inc.(local newspaper company in Japan) uploaded a novel promotion
movie “Sumo Girls 82 techniques” on 10th May,2017.

"Sumo Girls" is a special group of girls in sailor-style school uniform united to promote the
101st Kanazawa High School Sumo Wrestling Tournament, which will be held in Kanazawa,
in Ishikawa Prefecture, on 21 May. In order to get more people to know the fun of sumo and
get public attention to the tournament, two "Sumo Girls" expertly perform 82 winning
techniques of sumo, which include throws, twists and body drops.

Despite high school sumo is much less popular than high school baseball or soccer in Japan, this movie was played over 100,000 times on YouTube in only 5 days and featured in the news on the national TV networks.

■Title : Sumo Girls 82 techniques
■Publish on the web : 11th May, 2017
■Movie URL : https://youtu.be/M73ZchccK2A
■Web : http://sumo-girls.com/

Click here to download images and movie materials.

Kosuke Fukui
Mail: k.fukui@dentsu.co.jp