Fri Dec 2,2016 3:00 am
“Japan Tour Guide” is launching its service that helps match you with a guide on your trip to Japan!
hitomedia, inc.
- Raising international personnel through volunteer tour guides and international exchange events -

With “hitomedia ‘the p@rk’ (hitomedia the park) operated by hitomedia, inc. (Location: Tokyo-to, Minato-ku; CEO: Masayasu Morita ; henceforth hitomedia) as its base of operations, International Exchange Organization, International Cross-Cultural Exchange (Location: Tokyo-to, Minato-ku; CEO: Shunpei Okamoto , henceforth ICCE) has launched its guide matching service, “Japan Tour Guide (JTG),” on smartphones.
Guide Matching Service JTG:
[About the JTG Guide Matching Service]
For this guide service, the Guest (tourist) fills out a request form for a guide. Guides then may then view the requests of the Guests and apply to a candidate for a guide; upon which, the Guest selects a Guide from among those who applied for candidacy to form a match. Once a match is confirmed, a private chat between the Guest and the Guide is opened so that they may discuss further details with each other.
While the service provided by the guide is free, a $5 fee will be charged for the opening of a chat room upon a successful matching. This system fee will be used for maintaining healthy operations of the service and for exchange activities for the registered Guides.
[What is ICEE?]
ICEE provides indispensable cultural exchange and language learning opportunities to both corporations and people for raising international personnel. In the organization’s nearly 2-years of activities, the service’s number of member Guides have grown to over 2,500 people with a high rate of successful matches. Our group is aiming for 30,000 members by the year 2020.
For futher information contact
hitomedia, inc.: Jun Ooyama
Telephone: 81-3-3401-7001
Guide Matching Service JTG:
[About the JTG Guide Matching Service]
For this guide service, the Guest (tourist) fills out a request form for a guide. Guides then may then view the requests of the Guests and apply to a candidate for a guide; upon which, the Guest selects a Guide from among those who applied for candidacy to form a match. Once a match is confirmed, a private chat between the Guest and the Guide is opened so that they may discuss further details with each other.
While the service provided by the guide is free, a $5 fee will be charged for the opening of a chat room upon a successful matching. This system fee will be used for maintaining healthy operations of the service and for exchange activities for the registered Guides.
[What is ICEE?]
ICEE provides indispensable cultural exchange and language learning opportunities to both corporations and people for raising international personnel. In the organization’s nearly 2-years of activities, the service’s number of member Guides have grown to over 2,500 people with a high rate of successful matches. Our group is aiming for 30,000 members by the year 2020.
For futher information contact
hitomedia, inc.: Jun Ooyama
Telephone: 81-3-3401-7001